A Team Leader – Retains Their Team – How?

Open Communication – As the team leader make sure everyone knows what is being asked of them. A clear job description is necessary for all in the team. If there are any changes, make sure that the employee and the manager are clear on what additional role will be given and what that means to each. Make sure then the team is fully informed about any changes to the team dynamic. This should not be found out through office gossip and complaints.

Resolve Conflict – Problems and conflicts will arise; this is natural in any team. It is important that all respect each other and understand that if someone has a problem do the following:

  • Listen (don’t interrupt)
  • Acknowledge (I hear that you feel this…. Or I can see you are upset about …. Is that correct?)
  • Question – ask them who, what, where, when, and why to find out the full scope of the problem. Don’t interrogate but with all your heart, attempt to find the root issue.
  • Check (is there anything else? How do you feel?)
  • Review and Resolve

It can be easy to quickly become offended when someone has a problem with you, but it is important to not become defensive. This can lead to escalation of issues. It is important to endeavour to implement this with your team so they can resolve conflict within themselves and with you. “An objection is just a need not met- yet”.

Time Off – keep track of sick days and time off. If you have a team member that has been working without time away. Make sure that they take that time for themselves and their family.

Commendation – Tell your team how much you appreciate their work, and you care. These little notes can make a big difference. People don’t leave companies they leave bad managers.

Support continued growth – Make sure you take time out to coach and lift each team member to better quality and improvement. This can mean continued education (workshop) a webinar or an internal leadership program. This will help your team feel valued and happy to stay in a company that wants the best from them and for them.

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